100 things about me :)

I'm on my way to finish this list..
it's really fun to make this list...
hmmm.... start to read *eat - in the picture :p*
After i finish this list about me then maybe i will try to make another 100 things about people whom important for me :)

1.       I love Japanese drama and Korean drama. But I know Japanese drama first from my family.
2.       I dream going to Japan someday
3.       I have a good vision memory but I hardly remember name, date or something like that
4.       I don’t like a heavy song, the one that scream or what we call it? Noisy?
5.       I love a soft music, usually it is the type of love song
6.       But sometimes I’m listening to soft rock or R&B too
7.       I love NEWS so much, at first because I love yamapi:)
8.       I love YUI, Big Bang so much
9.       Then I love utada hikaru, super junior, girls generation,beast,FT Island,CN blue,K.will,davichi,funky monkey babys,brave brother, etc...
10.   My first crush to japanase actor is Takashi kashiwabara in itazura na kiss although I know hideaki takizawa first
11.   Then I love yamapi, Won bin, jang geun seuk, and lately kang dong won
12.   At junior high school I dream to be a photographer join with my sista as director
13.   I still have that dream until now:)
14.   I really adore a girl singer with guitar such as YUI, michelle branch,lene marlin
15.   It makes me really want to learn playing guitar
16.   I don’t have a guitar now, but I will, as soon as possible:)
17.   I angry easily but it disappears easily as soon as it appears **nggondokan**:)
18.   It’s easy to see my mood if I’m happy
19.   But I can’t express my feeling when I’m sad or down deep inside
20.   People said that I’m introvert
21.   But I make friends easily:)
22.   Because I love to have so much friends
23.   I cry easily when I watch movie, dorama, music video and novel or even only listening a sad song which have a deep meaning T_T
24.   But I hardly cry when I have a problem *kidding?* :p
25.   I can stand not crying until some months later over one problem. Silly. Haha (doh)
26.   2009 Is my hardest year in 20 years of my life
27.   It’s really a turning point for me, give me a lot of worries, but turn me more mature to face the world
28.   I solve a problem more calm than before :)
29.   I dream to be a badminton player when i was a child
30.   And i still love playing badminton until now and watching if Indonesia play
31.   My favorite numbers are 1,2 and 7
32.   When I was child I really feminine, I like to wear a dress ,because it makes me feel like a princess. haha. nggilani
33.   But when I grow up I really don’t like wearing a dress, I prefer a simple clothes
34.   I like being busy all day
35.   My notebook is my life
36.    Although I have to let  my notebook go some months again:(
37.   I always use a blanket when I sleep that I feel naked without
38.   It’s really nice sleep with turning off the light but I can sleep too if it turn on
39.   I can sleep in every conditions :D
40.   I choose to sleep if I have a bad mood
41.   I always say that I will go on diet but I don’t do that :p
42.   I love eating so I learn to cook because I love it too:)
43.   I learn knitting autodidact as a hobby
44.   I have 2 birth mark in my leg, and I found it really cute :p
45.   I join marching band in elementary school take drum
46.   I’m busy all day since I’m in elementary school
47.   i enjoy all my activity
48.   I like to write my schedule on my notes
49.   I really love reading books
50.   Then I like to write
51.   If I get bored I will write something
52.   Or only draw “abstract” picture. Haha
53.   I can draw really great if I have an example
54.   But I can’t draw my own idea, is it like I said that I’m good at plagiat? (doh)
55.   I take a bath quickly; I don’t see that I have to spend so much time in bathroom. haha
56.   I really love google my name
57.   Although there are a lot of people have the same name with me, I still love it
58.   I love the meaning of my name
59.   I really like my eyes; that’s why I love my name, Nurul Aini means light in my eyes? :D
60.   I can’t express my feeling really well
61.   I love laughing and smiling. That’s why I love meet my friends a lot
62.   I always smiling so silly spontaneous in any condition every time I remember something funny
63.   I change my mood so quickly
64.   I don’t know who people who don’t like me
65.   But I hope there aren’t any, because it will keep me wondering why they don’t like me
66.   I don’t really like watching television nowadays although I really addicted to it back then
67.   I can’t swim, and I really annoyed because of it
68.   I really enjoy my English course in my school time
69.   I graduate from bachelor degree at 20
70.   I miss my time in high school; I don’t enjoy most of it because I have a really full schedule
71.   But I have many great friends in high school, thanks to karina, nindy and selvina.
72.   I love my second family in university –e46-
73.   I really think that I graduate from bachelor degree at a really young age
74.   I like to listening at others problems
75.   I’m a Britney spears fan since I was in grade 5th
76.   I will get a headache if I’m in crowded and noisy place
77.   I think I really have a short term memory, I always forget something:(
78.   I’m sanguineous - phlegmatic and far from melancholic, but I can melancholic once in a month :p
79.   I have a lot of accident since I get into university
80.   I love rain sooooo much; I love the smell of wet ground
81.   I love rainbow as much as rain:)
82.   Don’t talk nonsense in front of me, because I don’t like it
83.   I prefer people do it than talk about it,i only need a prove not a promise
84.   If I don’t feel comfortable around someone, I will make a space between
85.   I almost face the death two times in my life
86.   I still enjoy all of Disney princess stories
87.   I can’t stand people smoking near me, I just can’t stand the smoke
88.   If I love a song, I will repeat it over and over without get bored
89.   I like attend people weddings, I like to feel their happy moments:)
90.   I like to browse pre-wedding or wedding photography;
91.   I like traveling
92.   I really want going to a concert; News, Big bang, FT island and YUI \(^^)/
93.   I don’t wear any jewelry, except my earring
94.   I don’t like playing a game that make me be sick
95.   I don’t like ghost house although I always going in.
96.   I don’t like a bloody movie, psycho and something like that. But I love action movie
97.   I don’t know why but I usually falling when I walk; one day a man ti met in airplanes told me that my name give me a bad luck so I easily fall, what??
98.   I usually doing or saying something spontaneous
99.   I can stand staying in my room all day without eating and only drinking
100. I’m a mirror, I do what people do to me, but I can’t hate. It makes me tired and there’s no need for me to hate each other. People can hate me * I hope not* but I will try hard not to hate back

hayooo... yang ngerasa kenal aku, dari 100 point tau berapa point? hehe
kalo ada yang bilang sok2an bener ni eny pake bahasa inggris... bukan sok2an kok.. lagi belajar, udah lama ga ikut les, jadinya bahasa inggrisku sekarang jadi berantakan, so ini blog buat latihan :) 

 do you like it? :D


andhika rizki pratama said...

ahaha guyu tok aku enn moco tritmu..
nomer 17 bener banged sipp..
yang 32 kok kayake gag mungken yoo en..
nomer 95 ahaha inged di jatim park,, jare kendel ehh tibake..

eny_euy said...

lapo ngguyu??

emange ono sing lucu...
no.17?? kabeh wong wes ngerti iku..hahaha

no.32 ga percoyo yo wes :p

hehhh... ak kendel yooo... kecuali pak po kn ak ngomong... T_T

shiro said...

i love your check, that's why i always call you mbem.. hahahaha

eny_euy said...

i'm not mbem anymore...

langsing reeeekkk saiki :p

Pembasmi Serangga said...

i think you must reduce your point..
too much point make some reader bored.. i found that some of your point is useless.. you can make them in one point.. hehehehe.. sory.. just advice..

i like YUI and i can playing guitar.. you can learn by me.. heheheheh :D

83 ==> some friend i have met is too much talk.. i think, organization teach them to talk too much.. not to do.. so that, i don't like HIMA, from the first time i enter EE until now.. sorry.. hehehhe..


for all of your point, yo must use ordered list so that your post is looked good looking...

hhehehehe.. bener opo ora inggrisanku kuwi...????

eny_euy said...


i cant reduce my point, cause 100 is a fix pint for me :)

yeahh... i think i know why you think some point is useless, but if i make it in one point then it will make one point longer and reader could get bored..

about guitar, i dont have any now so i have to buy first :)

wootss... dont talk about HIMA here..
ak jg mantan hima.. ga smua org hima bnyk omong kok, tu masing2 pribadi aja..:D

kalo di order list ntar ga sesuai urutan ceritaku.. :)

makasih udh kasih masukan banyak...

katae like my post? which one do you like?

Pembasmi Serangga said...

oh.. sorry.. its my opinion.. because i like the simple thing.. so i rather tortured when i read all of your post.. hehhehehe..

i mean, you can reduce your point and make just 10 point.. but the title must be change with 10 things about me :).. although the title would be uninterested..
but your title is quite interested for me.. make me curious.. hehhehe

yeah.. not all of them.. but, one person can represent.. remember this quote??? karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga.. hehehhe..

ehm.. i like your honesty.. but be careful... its internet.. everyone can read your post.. hehehee...

eny_euy said...

hmmm... mungkin lebih sungkat kalo cuman 10, tp klo 100 kn judulnya lbh narik pembaca :) *maybe*

haha.. iya ini internet, yakin ta yg ku tulis smuanya asli? :p

pasti aku filter kok mn yg blh publish mn yg nggak :D

Gadget Unik said...

Yang ke-101 nanti apa ya?